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DOB 8/24/23


Black Ticked Marble Tabby

Mother: Brunette Katrin Style "RU

Father: Beckham Katrin Style *RU

Projected Go-Home Date: 11/25/23

HUGE Urlich of Royal Maine Coons

  • Urlich had an accident on 8/11/23 where the Litter Robot "Pinch Sensor" did not work, and it closed on him just below the waist. We thought initially that he would be paralized, but I brought in a specialist, a chiropractor that only works on animals, and he came and made some adjustments. After only one day, he was walking (awkwardly), and three days after, he is doing even better. My doctor said that at the worst, he may have a slight limp with his back left leg. We continue to do PT with him every day, and he is doing really well only 3 days after the accident.

    I will come back with updates every few days as he progresses.

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